Thursday, March 30


I think the best way to get to know someone is to look through their pictures. Pictures really can say a thousand of words! Anyways, hi hello!😘

I'm Visha. I am going on 24 years of life and yeah im enjoying it. I attend a private college in Pj, Malaysia and completed my diploma like finally but there's more to go you see as i need to complete my degree aswell but "as an ordinary girl" still in the process , so yaa will finish it soon. God bless me! Currently im working! :)
I have two older brothers and one younger sister which is (my pupppy-Queenie) and I'm the only daughter in my family.

I love being apart of a big family actually but unfortunately we just five in our family and now we have two new members, my sister in law together with my aunt. She's my everything.  And my sister in law is such a sweetheart. There is always so much of fun around the house eventhough we're small in quantity.💓
I love talking, i love foods. I love fun peoples around me. If you have any questions for me just ask me by commenting but strictly not my phone number or any other weird questions! Okay✌
My founder


Okay now, let me start from my school life first. 
Everyone's school days have the memories they can cherish and treasure for life. School days are the most joyful and funfilled with many mysteries to solve and many fights to resolve. Yes, the best moments in my life were spent in my school. The worst moments in my life was when i had grown up so old now. That i could no longer go to school without having so much of stress in my mind. The only stress for us " omg,homework!!!" thats it. 😄  

my high school ( SMKBS)
It has been almost 7years since i left school  and enter this competitive world. While everyone was in hurry , i felt scared to stepping to into this world and i was not ready at all. But somehow i survived not alone, cause of some beautiful people's entry in my life.  Im blessed. 

And then came my best friend in this journey of mine. :)  Everyone has a best friend right. Maybe  youve met them at work , grown up together or could be classmates since small.  I have one too . Ahhhh hahaha yeah she's the most prettiest, kind, simple, humble and my big big pain in the ass. 😝 Ive only known her for five years but in those five years we  become the closest ever.  I met her at college. That morning when she was too innocent for the first and last . To tell about her, i swear i wont have enough time cause she've been there in everything like everything. My bad, my good, my sad, actually all la. Why im telling this because after 18 we will face important stages in our life, we'll learn alot of things about life and she've been there for all my hard time. My secret keeper. She knows everything, my in and my out. The girl who is actually thought me how to live my life without anyone. I had some other friends so called best friends too but they just gone like that.  And now its my sixth year with her. She's doing her degree now.  I wish her all the best , and i know she'll read this.  Iloveyou :)  Thanks for everything you've done for me. You're the best sham! 


Remember the beautiful people around me that i always mentioned, she's included in that list also. One of the reason behind my happiness. One of the reason for who am i today 😇

I believe that some people are just sent to make you a happier person in life or the luckiest.  Am i right? Yes. Thats how my other side of story started. #mylovestory💗
#MyJourneyinlove 💓
When my life was running just like that, studies, family, friends, foods and was keep repeating the same everyday , a beautiful feeling in me all of sudden after sooooooo long. 

Feelings like 1000 of butterflies inside? No. 

One whole zoo? Not really. 
But feelings like one big jungle and all the animals dancing inside man!! hahahhaha Thats how i felt when i first got feelings on him .  I have to be shy? Happy? Scared? Nervous? Im not very sure on that particular time but I know something is not okay with me. I was not normal as how i used to be.  

I know true love existed. But i was waiting for my time, was waiting for someone who really can get into me. I had a relationship when i was in high school but they were very short term each lasting , none of them attract me the way he did. The way he approach me, the way he tried to get me, the way he talk to me, everything was just so different. To be frank, yes i did ignore him at first 'the normal girls drama la' i did that but i cant cheat myself after some time. I cant stop myself from falling in love with him. and i did finally.  I fell in love with the person who gave me a big impact in my life. I mean it. Magic of love, they said. 

"please i will be the right guy for you, think about it", "if there's a guy going to be in your life later, let me be the one"

This. This made me to think twice to step into the next chapter of my life. I seriously have found the most amzing partner in the world in him. He came into my life with every topical difference possible. I was actually the slow one to realize that he is the one but he realized without a single doubt that I’m the one for him. :) The confident, his confident level that time was too high haha and that also one of the reason why i love  him. Finally, Sept 12, 2013 we started dating.  I have to say not a day goes by that I am not thankful that we did so. Its our  4th year now, 4years of happines and still more more to go. 

 VinodVisha- It was the best thing that ever happened to me

The man of my life.( biggest pain in my ass)

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